The Genius of George (Plus Felix and Will)

Since cities were built their dwellers have tried to escape; get out of the crowds, noise and filth to take in nature, clean air and space.

A Midsummer Nights Dream is the idyll that results from the combination of George Balanchine, Felix Mendelssohn and William Shakespeare. This is Arcadia: where beauty, comedy and mystery all conspire to create a world where butterflies hover over lovers who are a little confused. Then there are the fairies, at the beck and call of their Queen, Titania, danced by the ethereal Miriam Miller. It is just a dream...

I always forget how, in classic farce, the plot intricacies are complex enough that there is no one story. That's fine; no need to worry who is going to end up with who. It's sufficient to celebrate summer with a full house of New Yorkers roaring at the stunning costumes of Karinska, the glorious music of Felix Mendelssohn and the genius of George Balanchine, the man who made it all happen.