
Perhaps it was the location. Maybe it was the size of the group. Then again, it could be the cookies.

The last three days of school were spent celebrating some 7th graders. This was not a whole class activity, though. We were honoring the 90% -- those students who, since September, have consistently done the right thing in the classroom. They make up a silent majority, but they struggle in their own way against those students who are more vocal. 

In every class I’ve taught, I’ve tried to champion these students – no easy feat, when you realize how much time is devoted to the 10%. The moment of truth comes when you have the space to have a conversation with one of these students and you are horrified to discover you barely know them.

Outside the head-of-school’s office, we sat at a large table, talked, did a free write, and ate home-baked chocolate-chip cookies. Some groups were more successful than others. There is always a dynamic. The most joyous one, in my opinion, was the one where there were constant smiles, laughs, and lots of writing.

What better way to start the Thanksgiving break?