Ages and Stages

One of the challenges of tutoring students of all ages is just that. Different ages, different stages.

In one season you may be working with a fourth grader and a high school senior all at the same time. Which means creating curriculum for differing needs.

This summer my rising 7th grader is finishing a Harry Potter-inspired play and my rising 6th grader is learning how to develop his ideas, as well as practice cursive handwriting. Oh, we’re also reading The Diary of Anne Frank.

Being organized is key. Also, remembering that it’s summer and it should not feel like school. During the icebreaker stage we discovered a point in common. We both love the beach. Which is why he will write an essay about the joy of being there. 

During the brainstorming process we wrote down five details about the beach: the ocean, snorkeling, lemonade, the sun, and sand. Then we added three reasons why each detail is pleasurable (i.e. lemonade is refreshing on a hot day). Next we will fill in a graphic organizer with this information. I’m really looking forward to reading the final product.

Sure, it’s challenging to keep all these plates in the air. But I forgot to mention the most important thing: I love every minute of it.